Bonus to my book Chapter "Uncovering jewish Criminality." Pastor Eli and I discuss his Bible selections from Luke, "Jews Killed Jesus NOT the Romans (White Italians.)" I then analyzed, studied, prayed, and kept my days close to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Statistics show where St. Paul converted White Europeans to Christianity, through Jesus Christ, it's nearly dead.
A missionary confided of his trip to Belgium, home of the European Union, only 1% know Who He was. Another Christian lady said she returned from a seven-country tour of Europe. Jews crucified Him again. The people are arrested if they say the name of "Jesus!"
In the USA capital, DC, the White Jesus' Nativity scene, place of his birth, it was taken down and a gigantic 30' jewish menorrah monument was put up!
Out of 250,000 churches, only 50,000 will remain. The rest closed or dying. The only churches left are run by jewess and jew bankers! The murderers of Jesus Christ, who was White!
A missionary assistant to a famous TV evangelist traveled to Russia and Europe. He said the jews are the most evil people on earth. The so-called rabbis fake identities for Russian people to obtain illegal Israeli citizenship. He said that people they are arrested if they even say the "word" Jews. Jews control all our words (books, magazines, texts, schools, Internet, one Jew controls Artificial Intelligence the single source of all our information. White's have no choice! No freedoms. Fear thinking we believe we are happy.
Another famous TV religious personality says the audience doesn't have to believe in Jesus. We can have our God, the jews Jehovah, and the Muslims Allah, but no Jesus! Think of all he accomplished exposing the evil jews and warning us. He healed invididuals, groups, even multitudes. We are capable of His works, since God made us as mental, spiritual beings. Perfect, happy, whole. But Jesus demonstrated that.
A friend took me to see the Eureka Springs, Great Passion Play, patterned after the one in Germany 1600s. The ticket taker told me homosexuals brought the town, including all the banks. (jews turned our men into homosexuals. They were born that way. It's a "mind" attack, and we "believe" them, not as God made us, White Male and White Female. Whites!
He then said if they didn't come up with $800,000,00 the homosexuals, (made that way by jews through media) will shut it down, including the gigantic 65 foot statue of White Jesus.
in World War II. It was a racial and religious war especially against White followers. I see God as our highest that I reach for and humanly White Jesus was our wayshower. Now we have jewess and jew murderers ruling us today.
Our 41,000 Christian denominations, they are all fighting each other.